The Colorado Auctioneers Association (CAA) has announced that Cali Crissup of Stillwater, Oklahoma has been selected as their executive director, effective April 1st.

Founded in 1958, the Colorado Auctioneers Association exists to promote public auctions and the auction method of marketing through professional and ethical auctioneering practices in the state of Colorado. Membership is open to auctioneers, auction companies, and associates with an interest in this age-old method of marketing. The CAA provides its membership with educational opportunities, legislative advocacy, and networking events to promote the auction method as an efficient and effective form of commerce throughout the state across a variety of asset classes.

“I can’t even begin to express my excitement to begin working with Cali and her team. She brings a significant amount of experience, a portfolio of best practices from over half a dozen other auctioneer associations, as well as skills and knowledge about association management, multi-day event planning, creative communications, and continuing education resources. She brings an abundance of knowledge to the position, and will be adding value to our association and its members right out of the box. I look forward to her wisdom and counsel for our Executive Committee, our Board of Directors, and membership at-large,” stated Michael Whitfield, CAA president.

Crissup, who owns her own association management firm, specializes in providing centralized digital management of educational and convention events, creative design, and communications strategies. She will also plan and execute virtual meetings, webinars and related public relations and sponsorship programs for the CAA. She currently operates Auctioneers Association Management Team, which provides remote executive leadership services to eight other auctioneer associations, as well as two associations in the real estate industry. Crissup has been providing association management services since 2010.

She is very active in the Stillwater community, including Stillwater Leaders Under 40 Recipient, Leadership Stillwater Class XXVII, Oklahoma’s NextGen 30 Under 30, Young Professionals of Stillwater 40 Under 40, Stillwater Elks Lodge Leading/Lecturing Knight and Young Professionals of Stillwater Board Member. She also owns and operates Social 174, a catering and event company located in downtown Stillwater.

For more information:

Cali Crissup

Auctioneers Association Management Team

Michael Whitfield

Colorado Auctioneer’s Association President

By Tucker Allmer - The BARN

Tucker Allmer & the BARN are members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB), the Colorado FFA Foundation, the Colorado 4H Foundation, the Colorado Farm Show Marketing Committee, 1867 Club Board Member, Denver Ag & Livestock Club Member, the Weld County Fair Board, the Briggsdale FFA Advisory Council, Briggsdale 4H Club Beef Leader & Founder / Coordinator of the Briggsdale Classic Open Jackpot Show.

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