USCA: Nebraska Senator Deb Fischer Introduces Cattle Market Transparency Bill

(SEPTEMBER 22, 2020) – On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Deb Fisher (R-NE) introduced the Cattle Market Transparency Act of 2020, which focuses on two main elements: ensuring regionally sufficient negotiated cash trade, and equipping producers with more information.

United States Cattlemen’s Association Board Member Lee Reichmuth issued the following statement on the bill:

“As a Nebraska cattle producer, I echo the same sentiments expressed by Senator Fischer on the impacts to our livelihood of increased packer competition, decreased competition, and a declining cash market. This bill builds off the recommendations provided by the U.S. Department of Agriculture in its Boxed Beef and Fed Cattle Price Spread Investigation Report and discussions producers across the U.S. are having in response to historically low cattle prices and a dysfunctional marketplace. 

“USCA has led on this conversation, through our work on Capitol Hill and bringing folks together in the countryside via events like the 2020 Winter Thaw.  The USCA Marketing and Competition Committee is currently reviewing the legislation in its entirety and will report its findings in the days ahead.”

Established in March 2007, USCA is committed to enhancing and expanding the cattle industry’s voice on Capitol Hill.  USCA has a full-time presence in Washington, giving cattle producers across the country a strong influence on policy development.  For more information go to

By Tucker Allmer - The BARN

Tucker Allmer & the BARN are members of the National Association of Farm Broadcasting (NAFB), the Colorado FFA Foundation, the Colorado 4H Foundation, the Colorado Farm Show Marketing Committee, 1867 Club Board Member, Denver Ag & Livestock Club Member, the Weld County Fair Board, the Briggsdale FFA Advisory Council, Briggsdale 4H Club Beef Leader & Founder / Coordinator of the Briggsdale Classic Open Jackpot Show.

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